Part 231: Mission 60 - Prologue - 2nd Half

: (Sis, Eureka
can we actually help everyone AND the world

: Renton, belief gives birth to strength.

: Tifa

: Eureka is waiting for you. Shes holding out for so long because she believes that youll be coming for her.

: Thanks

: Psych yourself up, Renton. Youre our ace in the hole.

: And, FYI, I aint talking about soccer.

: I can tell that much, man!

: Still, you surprised me. I didnt think you were that good at soccer.

: I was always playing before I started Lifting.

: You could take some lessons from Pierre and get even better.

: Nah, Im a Lifter now
besides, soccer isnt something I can play just with Eureka.

: Yup, youve got the right idea.

: Dr. Bear told us that youre apparently the only one who can free Eureka from the Command Cluster.

: And once we get her back, itll be time for the Dimensional Repair

: But what
is the Great Singularity? A person? A thing?

: I dont know all the details but it looks like its actually a location.

: A location?

: It might be more appropriate to say that its a space.

: And if we go in there and wish real hard, we can get the Repair rollin?

: But the Great Singularity is in another dimension. How do we get there?

: They say we, the Singularities, are able to interact with it but specifics are still a bit fuzzy

: We dont have a choice, though just gotta go for broke.

: Yeah, we believe in what were doing and we go for it. Right, Tifa?

: Right.

: (Garrod and Tifa managed to overcome fate and got closer to each other in the process
you think we can do the same, Eureka

: (Keep it up, Renton
we all have your back.)

: Hey, Loran. What are you going to wish for when its time for the Repair?

: I didnt quite think of anything myself since well be busy gathering the wishes of everyone else, so

: I get that but we still have the right to add our vote into the pile, no?

: We live in this world too.

: Hm, youre right

: You think I can pray for a HUGE lizard roast for me to eat?

: Chil
! Were doing a Dimensional Repair, not wishing upon a star.

: The gist of it is that you think of how you want the world to end up as.

: Then I want a world filled with HUGE lizards!

: Oi
she still doesnt get it

: But, to be honest, I dont really understand what Im supposed to do either.

: Yeah. Saying we must wish for the world we want doesnt make it easier to do

: Sara, what do you and your friends think?

: Hmmm

: Hmmmmmmm

: The Exodus is now finished, so I dont really have anything major

: Yeah. Any world is fine with me, so long as I can be with Gainer and Sara.

: Thats kinda vague, isnt it?

: But were all thinking of whats important to us its different from when we were fighting just to survive.

: And so, first things first, we need to make sure the world doesnt blow up.

: Yes. And if all goes well, do you want to return to Siberia?

: Youre going back to Yapans Ceiling?

: Thats where it all began to me. Heading back would help when pondering the future.

: Im with you, Gauli. No matter where you head off to.

: Hmm, that doesnt sound too bad
Sochie, you wanna go back to Inglessa with me?

: Huh
the two of us, together?

: Yeah, so I can consider the right time to do a certain thing.

: A-alright

: (Whoa
is Cmdr. Gavane going to propose after the fightings over?)

: (Im gonna have to be there to see how that turns out.)

: And what do you plan to do, Lt. Harry?

: That hasnt changed. Ill defend the one who has my devotion.

: You did not say that thats Lady Diana.

: It is not only one woman whom I respect
and love, Kihel Heim.

: Yes

: Well, whatever future we get, all we can do is keep strong and go on living.

: And tonight well decide on that future.

: Everyone knows the truth now, so I believe theyll all want peace and freedom.

: What are you gonna do now, Negotiator? You might end up unemployed after this.

: Im not concerned about that. The world may be at peace but that does not mean the end of disputes between people. Therell always be a need for Negotiators in society.

: (Isnt that right, Angel

: Thats unfortunate. Id be free to go if you were out of a job.

: Ive never once said you werent free to go, R. Dorothy Wayneright. If you wish to leave my employ, you neednt even wait for the Dimensional Repair.

: Ill consider it

: (Tomorrow, eh
? Which means you believe thats gonna come, right?)

: (I suppose everyone here will just go on with their lives, regardless of what world we get. But for that to happen, we cant let it go down the drain today.)

: Gain

: No need to say anything, Gainer. Now, how about we embark on an Exodus towards the new world?

: Yeah!


: Are you thinking about Scirocco, Sarah

: He was everything to me
I cant possibly forget him.

: Still, Sarah, that doesnt change the fact that were alive
and hes not.


: We might actually be on the same boat as those people who were manipulate by phony information.

: Fear and anxiety pushed us to give control of our very lives to someone else.

: Im the same as the foolish masses Master Paptimus spoke of

: Yes
which is why we must now search, with our own eyes, for the path we want to follow in life.

: Thats the conclusion you reached, Reccoa?

: Yes

: (Quattro broke free of his past and is now doing his part for the new world
so Ill also start walking with my own two feet, without relying on anyone

: The entire worldll change tonight

: I wonder how much
still, weve done our part.

: Next, itll be up to everyone to ponder what they wish to happen to the world.

: The people now know the sadness and pointlessness of war, so I think theyll just want peace.

: Performing the Dimensional Repair doesnt mean that a peaceful world will simply materialize, though.

: Ah

: In truth, the Repair is us simply fixing the collapsing dimensional walls. Concurrently, the wishes of all humans will decide what changes in the mosaic of this world

: But that does not give them the power to actually determine how that new society will be like.

: So, war could break out again even if we manage to stabilize the world

: If that happens, well keep on fighting until we end war for good.

: Thats your decision, hm?

: Yeah. Whatever changes, Ive made up my mind on that point.

: A suitably Shinn-esque answer.

: I feel the same way, Shinn
actually, I think everyone in ZEUTH does too.

: I couldnt stand this chaotic world at first...

: But Im glad it allowed me to meet you and everyone in ZEUTH.

: The Break the World drove countless people apart but, at the same time, brought countless people together. At least that parts worth something.

: Its our duty to live our lives in this world as best we can, regardless of what we find therein.

: (Gil
Ill fight as well and find new purpose to my life

: Shinns a different guy now, huh

: Not just him. That applies to Touga, Eiji
everyone in ZEUTH, really.

: Thats true. Weve all grown throughout our battles.

: Well, in your case, that change was a bit more radical.

: It was thanks to all of you that I could also change for the better.

: And that I could even meet my father.

: Still
even after all that, I havent found Ayaka yet.

: Once our battles over, Ill help you look for her.

: Oh
? Are the Gran Knights gonna be broken up when weve got peace back or something?

: Well just be taking some time off at least until a new enemy shows up.

: And what if that day never comes?

: Thatd be fine as itd mean peace is enduring.

: Youre right, Touga.

: And Leele
Id like to apologize for what I did back then.

: Dont worry about it. I know that you were trying to help me to show me that I was part of a team who cared.

: Leele
a long time ago, I promised Sandman that Id become stronger to protect Earth
thatd Id be a fang that bit for the fangless

: Eiji, along with everyone, helped me remember that promise. So I
will keep Earth safe.

: Earth
such a beautiful world
I think I now understand why my father chose it.

: Leeles happy

: Runa

: She now has the same outlook at Touga
something I never managed

: Hey, cheer up. Were right before the big battle, so we need your usual smile.

: I know, I know.

: Our foell be Edel Bernal
the tyrant whod keep the minds of all humans under an iron grip.

: As a soldier, its my duty to strike down any whod try to rob the world of its freedom.

: Easy, commander. Remember that were not soldiers anymore.

: Hah
I suppose so.

: Now youre members of Earthgertz. You should come to San Germain Castle once all this is over.

: Well, at least we dont have to worry about being out of a job.

: But whatll everyone else in ZEUTH do?

: Well just go back to our normal lives, I think.

: Aw, crap
that means we gotta go back to DEAVA for more of Fudous training?!

: What?! But the Fallen Angels are gone now!

: Though a warrior may rest, that does not mean an end to his struggles. Indeed, it is during times of peace that we must polish our skills and aim for greater heights.

: We must seek constant improvement for when a new threat rears its ugly head.

: Well, you can count me out. As soon as this things done, Im leavin that mess in a hurry.

: Wow. Whyd you have to dump that bucket of water over everyones excitement?!

: Everyones
? I think Sirius is the only one whos excited for that

: Oh, quit ya bellyachin. Ive had it up to here with pops training.

: Youre throwing the towel after just that? What a let-down, Apollo.

: Way I see it, your combination technique still has a plenty of room for improvement. You still havent seen how the world looks like when youre combining in 0.1 second.

: That sounds interesting. And I swear that, someday, Ill master the art of your combination, Getter Team.

: You cant do that by yourself, Sirius.

: Then will you lend me your strength, Reika?

: Of course. Ill never leave you again.


: Oh? Why arent you getting angry like usual, Silvia?

: Well, my brother has his own life to live.

: (And, besides, were connected by something far deeper than our blood...)

: Heh
aint you all grown up now.

: Well, I
am the heiress of both Celianne and Apollonius blood.

: Which means I cant let my brother, Reika or the Getter Team leave me in the dust - we have to train our own combination, Apollo!

: O-oi! You wanna drag me into this?!

: Were so close to the final battle but the Elements arent nervous at all.

: We can chalk that up to Fudous training, I think.

: Speaking of, where is the guy?

: He had some urgent business to take care of, so he returned to DEAVA.

: As odd as it is for a demon to use the expression
he comes and goes like a bat out of Hell

: What about you, Tekkouki? What will you do once this is over?

: This world is still chock-full of things that I should learn. I believe Ill go where the wind takes me, taking the time to mourn the death of my fellow demons.

: I see

: You seem bothered by something, Ryouma.

: Ah

: Hayato and Benkei are pretending that they didnt notice, so I figured Id ask. We can all see that theres something on your mind.


: These last few days, Ive been sensing
someone thats me but, at the same time, not me

: Whats that supposed to mean?

: I know theres only one of me in here but
I think, in a different world a different universe theres another version of me.

: A Ryouma Nagare from a parallel universe, eh?

: Ive been sensing his very existence
drawing closer and closer
Hes yelling at me to quit being a pussy and start killing

: I think youre imagining things. Two parallel versions of the same person cant exist in the same world.

: The theory is that, if such a contact were to happen, the two beings would either fuse together or annihilate each others existence.

: Hmm

: So thats that, Ryou. Youre gonna tire yourself right before the final battle if you keep worrying like that.

: Youre right. I have to focus on the job at hand.

: Were counting on your, leader. Its your job to keep this ship afloat.

: (Still, if that other Ryouma ever shows up, I

: You understand, right, Kei?

: Yeah...

: The ZEUTH members may all the Singularities but the two of us were also there when the Space-Time Oscillation Bomb triggered the Break the World
in a sense, were something like double Singularities.

: ZEUTH, with the Psycoframe, will gather the Trapar-borne thoughts of people all over the world
and its our job to pass that along to the Great Singularity, right?

: We dont know what could happen if either of us gets taken out in battle. Keep that in mind.

: Dont you worry, Master Olson! Ill keep Master Kei safe!

: Youre ever so reliable, eh, Mome? Still, you dont need to worry weve got all our friends helping out.

: Especially me, right, Kei?

: You oughta save that line for after youve taken part in battles.

: He cant, Master Kei! If either the Captain or I squandered our energy, itd be the end for us.

: Shes right. We are Mu robots and its impossible to replenish our supplies with the Mu nation gone.

: Alright, alright. I guess Ill just have to be extra careful so as to not cause trouble to you two.

: Do your best, Master Kei. Ill be cheering for you from the Glomar.

: Well, then I want to ask that you keep an eye more on Mimsy than on me.

: Huuh? Mimsy?

: She hasnt been feeling so good recently, so I want you to make sure she doesnt push herself too hard.

: Im counting on you, Mome.

: Anything you say, Master Kei. Leave it to me!

: Speaking of Mimsy, shes been waiting there to speak with you for a minute now.


: Ah, hey, Mimsy! How are you feeling?

: Im fine. I couldnt stay in bed with the final battle at our doorstep.

: I also have to do my part to honor Sleys memory.

: Alright, I get it
but take it easy over there, OK?

Hey, Kei
Someone walks over.*

: Ah, youre having lunch over here? The captains are looking for you two.

: Wha--?!

: That outfit
when did this transformation happen...?

: Atena

As I said, Shaia and the others are calling for you. Now, if youll excuse me.
Atena leaves.*


: She
I think those clothes are her way of saying that shes left the Chiram army

: Same as you, Olson. Now you two are officially done being superior officer and subordinate.


: You cant keep leaving her hanging. And dont tell me you havent noticed how she feels.

: We have a job to do right now
Come on, Kei. There are launch preparations to be made.

Yeah, alright. This talk isnt over, though.

: Kei

: Oh
what were you going to say just now, Mimsy?

: Ah, dont worry about it. Ill tell you after the battle.

: Roger that, maam. I guess I now
have to come back in one piece.

: Ill see you later!
Kei and Olson leave.*

: Kei

: Are you alright with not telling him?

: Kei cant have superfluous things on his mind right now

: This isnt superfluous. Its as important to you two as the entire world.

: Its fine, though
I know hell be coming back.

: Mimsy

: (Promise me youll come home, Kei
Ill tell you everything then

Its almost time. Wanna go grab something to eat, Kira?

: OK

: Whats wrong? Something bothering you?

: No, theres no problem
all I have to do is get ready to fight.

: Still, Im sorry for dragging you along with me, Athrun.

: Huh?

: I know there are a lot of old friends of yours in ZEUTH

: You should be spending time with them right now, no?

: What are you mumbling about, Kira? Sure, they
are my friends but so are you.

: Im here because I wanted to talk to you. Thats it.

: But
A bunch of people come over.*

: Ah! Here you are, Kira.

: Shinn

: Weve been looking for you two. Athrun, youre on Team C and, Kira, you got Team D.

: Are those launch formations?

: What? No, those are your soccer teams.

: Soccer

: But you gotta get something to eat first. Come with us, you two.

: Kappeis mother and grandmother made some really tasty rice balls.

: But

: You can take as many as youd like therere tons of them.

: Course, if you dont hurry, Boss and Fatman are gonna eat them all.

: Get going, then. We left halfway through eating, ya know.

: You did that to come looking for us

: We may have once had our issues, what with everything thats happened before...

: But now were all fighting for the same thing, are we not?

: Y-yes

: We were all angry back then and things got really complicated

: But the same applies to all people of ZEUTH.

: It was a misunderstanding that led to us fighting our friends.

: But now everyones come together for one single objective.

: So enough of your grumblin. Lets go eat and then fix the dimensions quick-like.

: And, on that subject, what say you to getting a Kira-Kira Combo going?

: Youve just been waiting for a chance to crack that joke, havent you

: Oh, yeah!


: Lets go, Kira, Athrun.

: OK.

: Thank you, Shinn
all of you

: By the way, did any of you see Rand?

: No
doesnt look like hes on the Archangel
Setsuko version still in the Archangel:


: My, what a creepy woman
staring at them with that grin on her face

: And thats wrong, you say?

No, its fine
Even I know how important comrades can be

: Its what pushed me to swallow my pride and surrender to you people.

: Thank you.

: Youve no reason to say that. I havent even told you all that I know, to be honest.

: And Im well aware that the only reason why Im still alive is because I was there when the Space-Time Oscillation Bomb went off - because Im also a Singularity. Ive no intention of stabbing you in the back but I also wont help beyond whats necessary.

: Thats good enough
Id like to trust you, now that I know where youre coming from.

: Theres something like being too trusting, you know... and keeping me, unrestrained, under your vigilance goes far beyond that line

: Cpt. Brights decided to defer to my judgment on this, considering our history.

: Meaning, if you wanted to, you could kill me right now.


Ill admit that theres a part of me that hates you for helping Asakim. Still, I felt a sorrow even greater than my anger within you.

: Are you pitying me, bitch...?

: Call me whatever you want. I dont have the time to try to mend the wounds on your soul.

But I need to ask you a favor.

: Could you please take me to the Virgola

: What
your eyes

: Its like you said before: Ill soon stop being human

: But, at the very least, I want to see this battle through
for my own sake


: Please dont tell anyone about this
Theyd worry too much

Alright, Setsuko
Ill do as you say

: Well pour our very souls into this battle for both our sakes.

Hm? Are you crying for me, Ziene

: Dont be ridiculous

(Lunamaria): Setsukooooo! Were going to the cafeteria come with us!

(Runa): Everyones waiting for yooouu!

There it is. Lets go, Setsuko.

: Yes
Rands version:

Alright. The Gunleons all set and ready to go.

: You sure you wanna be in here? Everyones playing outside.

: Hey, Im a repairman, aint I? Soccer aint my thing.

: What you mean to say is that you got a red card 10 minutes into your first match.

: Hah
ever The Cru

: Easy, miss. For the good of our relationship, I think you oughta stop right there.

: Of course. I dont want to start any pointless conflicts either.

: Just an FYI: none of this means we trust you, alright?

: Fine by me. I understand my current predicament, so Ive no intention of trying to be buddies with you. I havent even told you all that I know, to be honest.

: And Im well aware that the only reason why I, a Chimera, am still alive is because I was there when the Space-Time Oscillation Bomb went off - because Im also a Singularity.

: Aw, dont be like that, miss. I reckon its about an even split for all the good and bad weve given each other, so lets take it easy.

: Huh?!? Are you actually gonna give
this woman the comrade treatment, Darling?!

: Comrade, huh...

: I dunno about the others but just looking at your face right now tells me all I need to know.

: They gave me the job of sorting things out if ya turned against us but I dont think thats gonna happen. If ya wanna make up for what youve done, then youre gonna have to live through this.

Alright, THE HEAT
Im here, so I might as well do as you say

: The time has come for the two of us to lay everything on the line for both our sakes. Is that OK with you, little girl?

Yes. Well leave this discussion for tomorrow.

: So you believe therell actually be a tomorrow

: Of course. The Beater Services motto is
reliable service, with a smile so we and ZEUTH will fix the entire world and its tomorrow but good!

: What she said.
And I reckon the first match should be over by now, so lets go back out there.
People come over.*

: Youre running a bit late. The match ended a long time ago and everyones having lunch.

: Really?! I cant go into a big showdown on an empty stomach!

: Dont overeat. Weve another match scheduled for the afternoon, ya hear?

: OK, boss! Therell be no stomachaches to stop me from helping with the Dimensional Repair, dont you worry!